- Creating a Cultural museum
- Documentation of cultural aspects of Rameshwaram
- Creation of Cultural maps of Rameshwaram
- Bringing out booklets and books in different languages
Marine Biodiversity
- Establishment of natural history knowledge center at the island to promote awareness of Gulf of Mannar bio-diversity.
- Promotion of Eco-Tourism at Rameshwaram with respect to Gulf of Mannar
- Creation of Cultural maps of Rameshwaram
- Increased accessibility to visit Gulf of Mannar
Solid Waste Management
- Vermi-compost, Bio-methanation, Pellet making, Shredding of plastic/ paper, Use of plastic in road making paper pulping etc.
- Live Demonstration of various technologies for solid waste management
- Distribution of solid waste management tool ward by ward
- Ward based solid waste management activity
- Awareness campaign
Renewable Energy
- Bio-methanation plants in the houses which produce energy from domestic waste
- Ultimately make Rameshwaram island 100 percent green-energy reliant island
- Wind mill installations at open spaces in the island
- Green energy awareness programmes
- Public installation of Solar system
Rain Water Harvesting
- Optimization of water harvesting potentials in the island including Teerthams management
- Renovation and community based maintenance of traditional water bodies in the island
- Installation of water harvesting structures at all public place
- Study of water harvesting possibilities inside the temple
- Individual house water harvesting facilities
Landscaping & Beautification
- Centralized system : treatment plant and using it for agricultural purposes [waste to wealth systems]
- Individual house sewage treatment models
- Creating an optimal holistic cost-effective model
- Use of Vetiver and other phyto-agents
- Cluster approach
- Sewage treatment – Underground drainage
- Artistic Landscaping
- Different types of sculptures
- Coffee table book
Green Transportation
- Identification and implementation of appropriate green transport inside the island,
- Encouraging battery based and horse/bullock based
- Encouraging pilgrims to use green transport
- Identifying Green Transport routes
Participatory Eco-tourism
- Identification of potential pilgrim related green activities
- Studying the local systems
- Documenting them
Social Engineering
- Creating a Cultural Continuous awareness creation through exhibitions, seminars, training, street plays, puppet shows etc.
- Using the social networks to create a powerful feedback mechanism to make Rameshwaram clean
Social Engineering