

Today, we shall talk about our own Mother Earth, especially about our present age. We all know that some 4 to 5 billion years ago, our planet separated from the sun, and started moving around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The earth has gone through an essential cooling process, and the last one billion years, the Earth passed through different stages of the ice age, with a few intermittent periods when the ice melted and the sea levels rose higher.Scientists estimate that we human beings appeared on the face of the Earth approximately 200,000 years back, and we lived on Earth just like all other living beings for our survival. We all know that every living being has to eat something or other for survival, and we were no different from all other living beings. All of us were ‘hunters and gatherers’.

Our New Associates – Partners

Gandhigram Trust, Dindigul
Immediately after Independence, there were many associates and followers of Gandhiji who wanted to pursue his vision of a rural India and its re-construction, Gandhigram is one such initiative. Gandhigram came into existence in 1947 through the efforts of Dr. T.S. Soundram and Dr.G.Ramachandran who wanted to create a model that would concentrate on the complete development of the human being. “Success attends where Truth Reigns”, were the words of inspiration from Gandhiji to Gandhigram. This pursuit of Truth, has today made this Institution a pioneer in the implementation of Gandhiji’s Constructive Programme. Truth reigns through the model pursued by the Institution, where the priorities are set by the rural community. The inspiration has translated into:

Solid Waste Management

School student’s awareness programme on Solid Waste Management:
School Students Awareness programme were organized at M. P. U Middle School, Dhanushkodion 11.12.2017. Wherein 71 Students participated. In this programme the ill effects of plastic carry bag usage, importance of source segregation and role of school children in creating Rameswaram as clean and green Island was highlighted.

Nakshatra Vanam

Maham - Banyan Tree
Large spreading evergreen tree, epiphytic in early life with numerous aerial roots from the branches which thicken and ultimately become stilts. Bark grayish brown, smooth, younger parts softly pubescent. Leaves elliptic-ovate, 12-18 by 5-8 cm long, margin entire, obtuse at apex, rounded at base, coriaceous, glossy above, glabrescent of pubescent beneath, 5-7 veins, lateral veins 5-7 on either half of mid-vein, looped within the margin, prominent beneath. Petiole 2-3 cm, stipules 1.5-2.5 cm, deltoid, acute, coriaceous. Figs in axillary pairs, sessile, globose, silky pubescent, basal bracts suborbicular. Male and female flowers in the same receptacle. Male flowers numerous near the mouth of the receptacle, perianth segments 4, stamens 1. Gall flowers similar, with a short style, Female flowers with smaller perianth and elongated style.Syconus fruit scarlet red when ripe.(India Biodiversity Portal).

Revival and Renovation of Water Bodies NeelakantaTeertham

NeelakantaTeertham Renovation Work Pooja was conducted on December 28, 2017. Morning around 25 Vadakadu Villagers have assembled in front of the Teertham. Villagers themselves have brought the Pooja material. When we have gone to the location the villagers gathered to welcome the gathering. From Vivekananda Kendra Sis.Saraswathi,Shri.Kathiresan,Shri.Hegde, Shri. Suresh Walimbe, Shri.Muthuramalingam and Shri.K.Sridhar participated in the programme.

Social Capital

Regular yogasana classes in the morning and Hindi and English classes in the evening were conducted. Weekly yoga session for Coast guards also continued.

Issue No.2 November 2017