Read Coverting Letter – Rama’s squirrel calling …..
Dear Friends,
The Indian Swachhata League is India’s first inter-city competition led by youth towards building Garbage Free Cities. More than 1,800 cities from Leh to Kanyakumari participating by setting up a team for their city, and planning activities that will be undertaken on Seva Diwas. ‘India Swachhata League’ started with ‘Swachh Amrit Mahotsav’, a fortnight of activities from September 17 to October 2 to galvanise action around ‘swachhata’.
The activities are being organised by the Union Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry. According to the statement, the day began with whole-hearted participation and presence of highly motivated youth teams rallying for garbage-free cities.
During the month of September, the Municipal Solid Waste Management programme at Rameswaram has been shortlisted under the special mention award category for the Indian Swachhata League (ISL) 2022.
Our partner Hand in Hand Inclusive Development Services, Chennai are handling the waste management of Rameswaram municipality. Thiru.Nazar Khan, Municipal Chairman and Thiru.Kannan, Municipal Commissioner received the certificate at Delhi in a glittering ceremony at Talkatora stadium, on 30th Sep 2022.
This month’s newsletter has the following highlights:
- Dr.Sanjay Banerji in his blog writes about “Model of an Enterprise”
- Hand in Hand inclusive development, Chennai about their regular activities on solid waste management
- Dr.A.Abirami, Programme Officer of the C.P.R. Environmental Educational Center writes about the herbal plant – Castor Bean (Aamanakku)
- Green Health covers introduction of yoga session at Vivekananda Vidyalaya, Rameswaram and workshop on “Recipes of Minor Millets”
- Livelihood Opportunities covers training on ‘Cow waste Value Added products”, CSR Partnership with Dhanalakshmi Bank and use of E-Rickshaws
- In Revival and Renovation of Traditional Water Bodies section ,we have covered the story of “Jatayu Teertham”
- Under Social capital – Teertha Poojas, Deepa pooja, celebration of Universal Brother Day etc. and finally ‘Green Rameswaram newsletter’ by the students and for the students of Rameswaram
With best wishes,
Editorial Team
Green Rameswaram Project
Mahabeer Dharmasala
Rameswaram – 623526
Ph: 04573 – 222296(office)
E-mail: greenrameswaram@gmail.com
Web: www.greenrameswaram.org

Financial Accounting – 3

Dear Friends, welcome back to the study of Financial Accounting. Please recall that we are using a fictitious case study for this purpose. We have reproduced the case study at the end for ease of reference. We had explained how to prepare a formal Cash Flow Statement in the last lesson.

A Rare book – Dhevaiula on Ramanathaswami

This classical work on Sri Ramanatha Swami of Rameswaram was composed by “Palapattadai Chokkanatha Pillai”. This work was discovered by Dr.U.Ve.Saminatha Iyer after comparing multiple versions. He also wrote a commentary on this rare text

Solid Waste Management

Door to Door Source Segregation Demo Programme
Everyday door-to-door waste collection and source segregation along with street cleaning were carried out uninterruptedly.
Six Source Segregation Demonstration programmes were organized on 15th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd and 27th of December at Anna Nagar (Ward: 10), Karaiyur (Ward: 16), Rajagopal Nagar (Ward: 10), Gandhi Nagar (Ward: 10), UndiyalkudaKovil (Ward: 15) and KattupillaiyarKovil Street (Ward: 2).

Herbal Garden (Muligai Vanam) Sangu Pushpam

Distribution and Habitat
Clitoria ternatea (L.) is a perennial climberbelongs to the family Fabaceae and is native to the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the worldwith twining stems. It grows twining on fences or nearby plants. The leaves are pinnate, petioles 2-2.5 cm long; flowers axillary, the corolla is composed of five petals that are of different sizes and shapes – one standard petal, two wing petals and two keel petals, about 4 cm across, white or blue. Pods up to 8 x 1.5 cm with six to ten seeds in each pod. The seeds are yellowish-brown or blackish in colour.

“Livelihood Opportunities”

Status of SHGs
Present status 122 groups with 1593 members
This month we concentrated more on mobilizing SHG members for the EDII Training programme.
Certificate Distribution Programme for Nursery Garden Training
On 13 December 2022 we conducted the Certificate Distribution Programme for Nursery Garden Training programme supported by EDII. Shri.Praveen Kumar IAS, Additional Collector, DRDA, Ramanathapuram presided over the function. The following officials also attended the function.

“Revival and Renovation of Traditional Water Bodies” Vibhishana Teertham

Type: Open with steps on one side for easy access to the water
Location: on the way to Dhanushkodi – inside the forest
Coordinates: Lat-9.234226, Long-79.36455,
Measurements: L 5.78 m B 3.11m D 3.20m
Water holding capacity: 51000 litres
Water availability: Throughout the year
Literary mention: Skandapuranam
Affiliated to: Ramanathaswamy Temple; HR&CE
Deity: Lord Rama
Survey no: 1044/2, Rameswaram Revenue village, Rameswaram Taluk
Ritual cleansing: Cures Diseases and Removes the Sins
Year of renovation: 2022
Working period: 29 September 2022 to 22 October 2022
Renovation work sponsored by: Vivekananda Kendra – NARDEP

Social Capital

Bhagavad Gita Jayanthi Celebrations
SHG Division
Gita Jayanthi Celebrations were organized as a part of the EDII Training programme on 03 December 2022 for the Mandapam based participants of Honey Bee Training programme. 40 Participants attended the programme. Annaji webinar video of Karma yoga was shown to the participants for 50 minutes and then it was consolidated by Shri.K.Sridhar, Project Coordinator, Green Rameswaram Trust. https://youtu.be/lueCkR2QSI4