Newsletter - May 2019


Timeline for Sustainable Development

By Dr.Sanjay Banerji
Founder Director/Dean of Amrita School of Business


Dear Friends,

This month, we shall discuss in brief, the history of Sustainable Development, starting with the publication of the book, Silent Springs, the first UN Conference on Human Environment in 1972, followed-up by setting up of the Brundtland Commission, 10 years later by the United Nations Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar in December 1983. We shall provide you with the principal milestones in this history as a ‘Timeline for Sustainable Development’.


Solid Waste Management

By Hand in Hand, Chennai


Door-to-door awareness campaign:

Two door-to-door awareness campaigns were conducted in the Municipality viz. Sallimalai - Ward no: 15 (8th May) and Kalavai Street – Ward no: 20 (16th May). A total of 181 households were sensitized on MSWM through these programmes.



Herbal Garden (Muligai Vanam)
Country Mallow (Thuthi)

By C.P.Ramaswami Environmental Education Center, Chennai

Herbs (Shrubs), ca. 3 m in height; branches terete, downly tomentose; stem covered with soft velvety tomentum. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules linear ca. 2-5 mm long, petioles ca. 2-18 cm long, stellate pubescent mixed with sparse, simple, spreading hairs; lamina ca. 1.7-15 x 1-12 cm, cordate at base, acute or acuminate at apex, irregularly dentate, stellate pubescent above, grey felted beneath; palmately 5-9 nerved at base; secondary nerves 2-3 pairs. Flowers axillary, solitary, ca. 2.5 cm in diam., golden-yellow; pedicel ca. 4 cm, articulate near apex, grey stellate puberulent; calyx ca. 6-10 mm in diam., green, disk-shaped, densely grey puberulent, lobes 5, broadly ovate, apex acute, corolla uniformly yellow; petals obovate, 1-1.5 cm long and broad, claw hairy on the margin; staminal column 5-7 mm long, stellate pubescent; Schizocarps ca. 1.5-2.5 cm in diam...........

Revival and Renovation of Water Bodies Hara Teerthams
Vivekananda Kendra – Nardep



Hara is one of the many names of Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism and the supreme deity in Shaivism. As Hara, Shiva is “the one who destroys evil.” On its own, Hara is a Sanskrit word that means “removing,” “taking away” and “destroyer.” Hara, represents the purifying power and paves the way for new creation and redemption on both the universal and personal levels. Hara destroys ignorance, illusion and evil, all imperfections that must be removed by one and all to continue one’s inner transformation and spiritual growth along the path to enlightenment.


Our New Associate - Partner

Karuna Trust


Karuna Trust, established in the year 1986 is located at Biligiri Rangana Hills in Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka. Its vision is for a society in which institution strives to provide an equitable and integrated model of health, education and livelihoods by empowering marginalized people to be self-reliant. The Trust aims to reach out to those who are poor in the remote and inaccessible areas, hilly and tribal regions, Naxalite and insurgency areas with poor roads, no phone and electrical connectivity.


Karuna Trust has pioneered and implemented a successful Public-Private-Partnership model that helps leverage the government’s significant investment in public health care infrastructure by complementing it with a socially committed, not-for-profit but professionally competent management team. With a prime objective of ‘Reaching the Unreached’ to provide health care to the underserved and the poor in the remote areas, Karuna Trust continues to serve the community it has been serving with renewed vigor and dedication.


Social Capital

Vivekananda Kendra - Nardep


Teertha Pooja - Jata Teertham (Traditional water body)

Teertha Pooja was organized by the local community at Jata Teertham. Ms.Sarah from England and Smt.Jayshree Balachander participated in the Pooja. Around 25 villagers including kids gathered at the Teertham and were singing devotional songs about lord Shiva in the temple. Simultaneously women were also cooking Sweet Pongal (Rice) to be offered to the God. Then everybody gathered around the Teertham for prayers. Shri.Pakshi Sivarajan, Priest from Rameswaram guided the gathering on Teertha Pooja. He was chanting mantras and the gathering were repeating the same. After the completion of the Teertha Pooja, people offered flowers to the Teertham and sprinkled the Holy water on their heads.
