Solar power lights up the lives
and smiles of children at the hamlet in Danushkodi
This is done as part of the ‘Green Rameshwaram’ project
The project involves the commissioning of 2 numbers of 2 kWH Solar PV System in Dhanushkodi. The total capacity of the project activity: 4 kWH The latitude and longitude of the site is 80 38’15.49” N 770 41’ 32.15” E. The tilt angle based on site location for project activity: 130 facing south direction to maximize the yield return. And also, the site location has the maximum wind speed of 180 - 200 km/hr. Keeping the above parameters in mind the agency designed the solar PV system. The details are as follows: There are 16 Numbers of Solar PV modules in the project activity. The size rating of the individual solar PV module is 235 Wp and the technology selected is Poly crystalline. The module mounting structures are elevated to 8 feet height and placed in shadow free area to obtain the maximum yield from solar. The module mounting structure is designed to meet the maximum wind speed of 180 - 200 km/hr and made of powder coated iron.
The system is having 2 numbers of 2 kW power conditioning unit with MPPT charge controller and 4 numbers of 24 V - 500 AH battery bank to support the load of 12 hours during non solar hours with one day autonomy.
There are 100 numbers of 4 W LED lamp and is provided to the villager. The project includes installation of 6 numbers of 25 W LED solar street light systems in the common area of the village. The specification of the street light is 6 meter height and made of pre galvanized iron material with aluminum coated. The control of the street light is done by single switch. And also, one number of 32” LED TV is been installed in Govt school for smart class purposes which consumes 80 W power.