Botanical Name: Moringa oleifera Lam.
Tamil Name: Murungai
Sanskrit Name: Sigru Shobhanjan
English Name: Drumstick Tree
M. Subramanian
Project Officer
C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre
This is a middle sized soft tree with thick corky bark. Leaves compound, with pale green leaflets when young, become darker when older and yellow at the fall period. Generally planted in the home stead, also use as hedge as cuttings propagate easily, found as escape in the forest. Flowers small, whitish, honey scented. Fruit is a capsule about 9 – 20 inch. long.
Importance of Drumstick tree
The Drumstick (Moringa oleifera) forms an important part of the Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine which are indigenous in India. Hence it is found all the way from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari. It is known as Brimma Vriksham by the Siddars ( Moringa oleifera is also found in many tropical countries. This moringa species grows abundantly in the southern states