March towards Green Rameswaram

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Green Rameswaram.

Sub : CALL for Joining “MARCH for Green Rameswaram” on Oct 14, 2018

“The squirrel can inspire us all”. Like a squirrel in Ramayana, if 125 crore Indians march one step each we will march 125 crores step ahead”. Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Green Rameswaram is organising “MARCH for Green Rameswaram” on Sunday, 14th October 2018, on the eve of the 87th Birth Anniversary of Dr A P J Abdul Kalam whose dream is to “Make Rameswaram Clean and Green”. The purpose of the MARCH is to realise the action plan envisaged by stakeholders which was released by our Honourable Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi in a massive public function on July 27, 2017.

Development is the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth of man in consonance with his family, community, patriotic and global identities and relations, helping one to live in harmony with Nature and live without impoverishing or endangering future generations. Green Rameswaram strives to actualise this vision through MARCH focussing on the issues which cause imbalances in the present fragile ecosystem and promote balance among the ecosystem elements. This MARCH is aimed to propagate the verticals namely preserving the Traditional Water Bodies, Waste Management, Renewable Energy, Landscaping and Beautification, Alternate Livelihood promotion, Archaeology and History, Eco Tourism, Preserving Marine Biodiversity and Green Health for building “Green Resilient Rameswaram”.

District administration representing the Island Development Committee, partners of Green Rameswaram and stakeholders in collaboration with the State and Central Government strives to make this MARCH significant highlighting the cause of ‘Green Rameswaram’ and invoke every yatri, citizen to join this Yajna for “Proofing Rameswaram’s future”.

Find enclosed the note on the concept of MARCH for Actualisation. Looking forward for your support and participation in this endeavour.

Read More (PDF)

With best wishes,

(G. Vasudeo )
Green Rameswaram Project

Green Rameswaram Project

Mahabeer Dharmasala,
Rameswaram - 623526