Parasurama’s Episode and Sanctity of of Thirthams at Rameshwaram

Parasurama is understood to be the sixth Avatara of Vishnu and placed as second incarnation in Tretayuga just before Rama. In accordance with some of the Samhitas, he is the sixteenth incarnation of Vishnu among his 24 forms. It is the only Avatara in which Vishnu prolonged his physical presence on earth for more than one Yuga. His Personality and his association with Rama, Krishna and Balarama is a unique characterisation ever described in the Itihasa and Puranas. Unlike the earlier avataras, this was a full Avatara extending to atleast two yugas and considered as the Chiranjivi (immortal) blessing the human race. Having born to Jamadagni Rishi one of the Sapta Rishies and Renuka, he inherited the quality of steadfastness and valour to the full level and became the disciple of Siva and said to have learned the art of warfare from him. Siva even parted with his unique weapon Parasu.

In the civilization of mankind, Parasurama incarnation signifies many facets of changes and have archaeological, ethnical, cultural, social and spiritual recorded evidences. Being placed as in between the earlier rulers of Asura dynasty (Mahabali) and the perfect man of righteousness (Rama) he bridges many gaps. It is not very clear from scriptures whether in the earlier Avataras Vishnu ever became mortal in all respects with positive energy like steadfastness and obeying the commands in Vedas as strictly as Parasurama did it. In fact his actions provide sufficient conjectural materials to trace the evolution of the Pan Indian culture and find him as the Saviour of weakest of the period. He bridges the gap between the elites and common man, brahminical and native worship, teacher and taught sophisticated warfare and tribal attack, Siva and Vishnu and witnesses the events in the history of mankind.

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