Dear Friends,
David Attenborough’s latest nature documentary on Netflix may be his greatest yet. Apparently stung by criticism about the false impressions his documentaries have provided on the state of our natural world, Attenborough has produced a witness statement outlining the changes to the environment over his 94-year existence and solutions to the biodiversity crisis he has lived through. At last, Attenborough clearly illustrates the devastating impact humanity has had on our planet. Do not miss this informative trailer
It is time, we start “Thinking Globally and Act Locally” and as David Attenborough says – We need to learn how to work with nature rather than against it. We at Rameswaram trying to practice it in our own small way while creating Green Resilient Rameswaram.
This month’s newsletter has the following highlights:
- Dr.Sanjay Banerji in his blog wants to “Build Planetary Stewards” to save the planet.
- Shri.Rangarajan, Chennai covers Azhwar Songs on Ram-Sethu
- Regular Solid waste management work by – Hand in Hand Inclusive Development Services, Chennai
- Dr.A.Abirami, Programme Officer of C.P.R. Environmental Educational Center writes about the herbal plant – Kodikalli
- Livelihood Opportunities – covers Pasumai group’s activities and Green transport
- Revival and Renovation of Parameswara Teertham
- In Social capital Teertham cleaning, Independence’s day celebrations, regular webinars and finally ‘Green Rameswaram newsletter’ by the students and for the students of Rameswaram
With best wishes,
Editorial Team
Green Rameswaram Project
Mahabeer Dharmasala
Rameswaram – 623526
Ph: 04573 – 222296(office)