Read Coverting Letter – Rama’s squirrel calling …..

October 2021, Vol.6;  No.8

Dear Friends,


A 14-year-old Indian girl from Tamil Nadu Vinisha Umashankar spoke at the COP26 meet (Glasgow Climate Change Conference) where she mesmerised everyone with a powerful speech. Vinisha called for an urgent action on the climate front, saying that many of her generation are angry at world leaders. She said that she has no time for anger, as this was the time for action. Please listen her short 3.5 minute powerful speech to get an inspiration to work for climate change in your own small way like a Rama’s squirrel as we are doing it at Rameswaram.

This month’s newsletter has the following highlights:

  • Dr.Sanjay Banerji in his blog writes on – Land Use and Land Use Change and Forestry
  • Shri.Rangarajan’s regular blog followed by Teertha yatra by 12 women from Madurai to the renovated Teerthas at Rameswaram.
  • Regular Solid waste management work by – Hand in Hand Inclusive Development Services, Chennai
  • Dr.A.Abirami, Programme Officer of the C.P.R. Environmental Educational Center writes about the herbal plant –  Ivy Gourd
  • Livelihood Opportunities – covers Pasumai group’s activities
  • Revival and Renovation of Krishna Teertham – photo gallery
  • In Social capital Teertha Pooja, Mass cleaning of water bodies, regular webinars and finally ‘Green Rameswaram newsletter’ by the students and for the students of Rameswaram

With best wishes,

Editorial Team
Green Rameswaram Project
Mahabeer Dharmasala
Rameswaram – 623526
Ph: 04573 – 222296(office)

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