Rameswaram town speaks a lot about Eastern philosophical tradition which offers a new approach to development concept. At the physical level, it guides us to live in tune with Nature; so that the essential continuity of both life and Nature is assured. And at metaphysical level, it raises human beings to the divine status. Do not consider developmental model as an economic model based on quantity but as one which calls for a qualitative change at the levels of the individual, family, society and environment. At present we are pursuing the western paradigm, i.e. fast track economic growth based on ecological deficit financing. In this system, precious resources like air, water and soil fertility have been priced as free goods and pollution has been written off as an externality. The need of the hour is to link environment with economics by evolving a new accounting system where along with cash accounting, energy accounting, environment accounting, conservation accounting and social accounting also will be factored in. Ethical results also contribute to the economic results, i.e. instead of Gross National Product – GNP, our scale of measurement should be QOL (Quality Of Life) in a broader perspective at individual, social and environmental level. Building on this perspective, through visioning exercise with stakeholders, Green Resilient Rameswaram Vision was evolved with the concrete goals under each vertical.
Release of Synopsis Green Resilient Rameswaram Action Plan
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