Location and Form
On the way to Mount Gandhamadhana Parvatham. Approximately 2.5 KMs from Sri Ramanathasamy Temple.
Mythological Story
It is created by Angatha, Son of Vali who has the unique power of mind to treat both good and bad equally. Angatha after Sugriva ruled the Vanara country for several years but renounced his life in search of want of peace, did his Tapas at Gandhamadhana Parvatham and attained several sidhis and when he understood his Tapas is going to lead to Indira position he wanted his powers to be useful for the common people hence he created this Teertham and installed Shivalinga in the middle of the Teertha. It is also believed that Indira head of Devars regained his powers after bathing in this Teertham.