Teertha Mitra’s Meeting
On 17 April 2022 we organised a Teertha Mitra’s meeting which was chaired by Swami Nyamanand Maharaj of Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Rameswaram. Around 26 people from various walks of life attended the meeting.
• Meeting started with a prayer
• The purpose of the meeting was explained by Sister Saraswathi
• During the discussion, following suggestions were given by the stakeholders:
Creation of a laser light show in one of the Teertham
Regular Teertha yatra can be conducted on this new circuit
Flyers and pamphlets can be printed and distributed to autos and taxis and hotels
Regular Teertha poojas should be organized at all the places
Teertha uses and benefits has to be listed out infront of each Teertham