One article that caught my attention recently led me to share with you some important aspects of adopting environmentally friendly technologies, particularly in the energy sector. One is an observation by Mr Lu Fang, Secretary General, Photovoltaic Division, China Renewable Energy Society. Fang’s article is about deploying solar panels in a massive way in field. The key takeaway from the article is that one should be careful in adopting an idea in a holistic manner and not as a knee jerk action to the environmental problems that arise out of our present energy practices. While it is certainly true that such green technology should be adopted for the benefit of the society and mother earth, it should also be kept in mind to avoid certain side effects in deploying such new technologies. This is much like the modern medicine where a lot of study, research, testing and evaluation of a new drug before it is widely deployed in the field.
Disposal of scraped PV Modules – A Challenge
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