Coriandrum sativum (L.) which is commonly known as dhaniya belongs to the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). The plant is mainly cultivated through its seeds. When used freshly it is called cilantro and when dried it is used as a spice i.e., coriander. Coriander is a small aromatic annual herb, indigenous to the Mediterranean region of the world.
It is mainly cultivated in tropical regions. India is the major coriander producing country in the world. It is primarily cultivated in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu. Plant – annual; stem erect; reaches up to 20-120 cm height; leaves – bright green, fan shaped and become more feathery towards the top of the plant. It starts flowering after 45-60 days after sowing. Flowers in little umbels, white or light pink, asymmetrical with petals pointing away from the centre. Seeds ovate globular dry schizocarp with two mericarps.