Herbal Garden (Muligai Vanam) Stone Breaker

Phyllanthus amarus is a glabrous herb of the family Phyllanthaceae. It is a common weed that grows well in moist, shady and sunny places throughout tropics and subtropics. In India it is widely distributed as a weed in cultivated and waste lands.

The herb is 30 -60 cm high, leaves 6-8 x 3-4 mm, oblong, base unequal, apex obtuse to acute, lower surface glaucous; stipules lanceolate, scarious. Flowers are axillary and yellowish, whitish or greenish. Male flowers are in groups of 1-3 whereas females are solitary. Fruits are depressed globose like smooth capsules present underneath the branches and seeds, pale brown with longitudinal parallel ribs on the back. Capsules on stalks are 1-2 mm long, round, smooth, 2 mm wide, six seeds. The plant has explosive seed capsules that propel the seeds some distance from the plant.

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