Herbal Garden (MuligaiVanam)

Dr. A. Abirami
Programme Officer
C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre

Botanical Name : Cissusquadrangularis Linn
Tamil Name : Pirandai, Perandai
Sanskrit Name : Asthisamhara
English Name : Edible stemmed vine.

Distribution and Habitat
Cissusquadrangularis L.is a succulent plant of the family Vitaceae commonly found throughout the hotter parts of India. It can be cultivated in plains, coastal areas, jungles and wastelands up to 500 m elevation. The plant is propagated using cuttings.The surface of the shrub is smooth glabrous buff coloured with a greenish tinge, the angular portion of the plant has a reddish-brown hue.

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