Present status 122 groups with 1593 members
This month, we concentrated more on mobilizing SHG members for the EDII Training programmes.Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India from Ahmedabad is partnering Green Rameswaram Trust for working in Ramanathapuram- Aspirational District. EDII have sanctioned four training programmes which are as follows:
1.Cow waste Value Added training
2.Organic fertilizers
3.Establishment of Nursery Garden
4.Bee keeping
Cow waste Value Added training
Interview – 19 September 2022, 50 candidates selected out of 127 applicants
Interview panelists – i)Shri.Jaisankar, Project Coordinator, EDII, Ahmedabad, ii)Shri.Saravanapandi, APO, MahalirThittam, iii)Smt.Dhanam, Asst. Manager, DIC, Ramanathapuram District and iv)Shri.Sridhar K, Project Coordinator, Green Rameswaram.