Nakshatra Vanam

Deciduous trees, to10 m high, bole crooked, irregular; bark 5-6 mm thick, grey to greyish-brown; exudation red; branchlets densely tomentose. Leaves trifoliate, alternate; stipules small, lateral, cauducous; rachis 12-20 cm long, stout, pubescent, pulvinate; stipels subulate; petiolule 5-10 mm long, stout, pubescent; lateral leaflets 8.8-13.7 x 5.5-11 cm, broadly oblong-ovate or suborbicular, base oblique, apex obtuse, terminal leaflet 11-15 x 12.5-15 cm, widely rhomboid, base obtuse, apex emarginate, silky pubescent on both sides when young, glabrous above, silky pubescent beneath when mature, margin entire, coriaceous; lateral nerves 4-8 pairs, pinnate, prominent; intercostae scalariform, prominent. Flowers bisexual, 5 cm long, bright red, in terminal or axillary, densely fascicled, racemes; calyx broadly campanulate, teeth 5, deltoid, short, upper 2 connate, velvety; corolla much exserted; petals 5, standard petal 5 x 2.5 cm, lanceolate, clawed, wings falcate 4.5 x 1.5 cm adnate to keel, keel united 4.5 x 3 cm, curved; stamens 9 + 1; vexillary stamens free; anthers uniform; ovary 2.5 cm, inferior, 1-celled, ovules2; style long, incurved, beardless; stigma small. Fruit a pod, 12.5-28 cm long, oblong, the base flat, wing-like and indehiscent, the tip splitting round the apical seed; seed obovate, compressed. (India Biodiversity Portal).

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