Syzygium cuminii is a medium-size evergreen tree 10-30 m high, with a straight to crooked, short, stout trunk, 40-100 cm in diameter, attaining a height of 13-20m. Crown is irregular or globular with many branches. Bark up to 2.5 cm thick, brown or dark grey. Leaves are entire with narrow transparent margin, long, broad, opposite, thick, coriaceous, glabrous, broadly obovate. Flower clusters on old twigs at the back of leaves, flowers white or pink, many, small. Fruits are ovoidoblong or elliptical berries, numerous, crowded in clusters.

The jamun fruit and jamun leaves are good for diabetes. The black plum has anti-diabetic features. The decoction of the bark is used as a mouthwash and to treat spongy gums. Jamun seeds are used as an effective agent to treat acne. The jamun fruit is loaded with sugars like glucose and fructose along with lesser calories. People suffering from anemia and jaundice should take jamun because of its high iron content and vitamin C. The juice extracted from the seed is taken to reduce sugar in urine. Chewing and eating of jamun leaves are good in treating diarrhea, ulcers and digestive related disorders.

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