The tree is native to India, and it attracts a lot of attention because of its association with mythology and its many uses. Arjuna is a large, evergreen tree with a spreading crown and drooping branches.
It grows up to a height of 25 m and the bark is grey and smooth. The leaves are sub-opposite, 5-14 × 2-4.5 cm in size, oblong or elliptic oblong. The flowers are small, white and occur on long hanging racemes. The fruit is 2.3-3.5 cm long, fibrous woody, glabrous and has five hard wings, striated with numerous curved veins. The flowering time of the tree is April – July in Indian conditions. It is a suitable plant to grow in alkaline soil.
Medicinal uses and benefits
The tree contains many useful properties. For example, the bark of the tree contains calcium salts, magnesium salts and lycosides which have many uses in Ayurvedic medicine. The juice of the leaf is useful in the treatment of dysentery and earache.
The bark of the tree is helpful in maintaining cholesterol level at the normal. This is because it contains antioxidant properties which are similar to Vitamin E. It also acts to strengthen the heart muscles and thus maintains the functioning of the heart at the normal level. It is also used in the treatment of heart disease, heart failure, angina and hypercholesterolemia.