Mimusops elengi is spread all over South India and in the Andaman Islands. It is a medium-sized evergreen tree with a regular globular, spreading crown and attains a height of 10 m. to 16 m. It is native to India and grows in all regions with a tropical climate, except in water-logged areas.
The flowers are Pleasant smelling and full of nectar. A lotion prepared from the flowers is used to clear wounds and ulcers. A secretion of the bark helps in shrinking of the tissues, controls bleeding and cures excessive secretion of mucous from the bladder and urethra. It is also used to treat fevers and also as a mouthwash to protect gums and teeth. A paste of roots mixed with vinegar is applied to swellings on the face and a paste made with water is applied to pustule eruptions of the skin (Dastur, 1962). Regular chewing of tender fruits strengthens the teeth. The seeds are used in the preparation of eye drops and to treat bowel disorders. The oil extracted from the seed is applied to swellings of the joints (Shanmugham, 1989).
Maghizham (Bakula) is sacred to Hindus, Buddhists and Jains. In Hindu tradition, it is sacred to Lord Shiva. It is one of the many sacred trees mentioned in the Hindu religious texts, according to which the bakula (Mimusops elengi) is sacred to Lord Trimurthi (Bidwood, 1986: Gupta, 1971: Tiwari, 1989).