Read Coverting Letter – Rama’s squirrel calling …..

July 2021, Vol.6;  No.5

Dear Friends,

The IPCC report titled ‘Climate Change 2021 released on 9th August said heat waves and humid heat stress will be more intense and frequent during the 21st century over South Asia

Glacial retreat in the Hindu Kush Himalayas; compounding effects of sea-level rise and intense tropical cyclones leading to flooding; an erratic monsoon; and intense heat stress are likely to impact India in recent years. Most of these impacts are irreversible and hence cannot be remediated even if greenhouse gas emissions decline dramatically, the IPCC said.


Many scientists and environmentalists while writing on this report are rightly saying that the past assessments have been disregarded as sensationalist. However, this time warning is against the folly of a business-as-usual development model. Green Rameswaram project right from its inception is suggesting “Green Resilient Rameswaram”, keeping the people and nature at the center of development.

This month’s newsletter has the following highlights:

  • Dr.Sanjay Banerji in his blog continues to write on the role of Nature as Stakeholder in the development paradigm
  • Shri.Rangarajan, Chennai covers a few extracts from the rare book – ‘Dhevaiula’ on Ramanathaswami
  • Regular Solid waste management work by – Hand in Hand Inclusive Development Services, Chennai
  • Dr.A.Abirami, Programme Officer of C.P.R. Environmental Educational Center writes about the herbal plant – Karpooravalli
  • Landscaping and Beautification – Tree plantation at VAO Office, Mandapam Panchayat by Green Rameswaram team
  • “Community Yoga Protocol to Promote Innate Immunity” under Green Health
  • “Livelihood Opportunities” covers Pasumai group’s activities
  • Green transport covers starting of E-Rickshaws again at Rameswaram
  • Bhoomi pooja for Revival and Renovation of Parameswara Teertham
  • In Social capital our service to the community during the 2nd wave of the pandemic, Deepa pooja, Guru poornima celebrations and regular webinars. Finally ‘Green Rameswaram newsletter’ by the students and for the students of Rameswaram.

With best wishes,

Editorial Team
Green Rameswaram Project
Mahabeer Dharmasala
Rameswaram – 623526
Ph: 04573 – 222296(office)

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