Solid Waste Management

Everyday door-to-door waste collection and source segregation along with street cleaning were carried out uninterruptedly. Around 327 tons of waste collected in the month of April.

Source Segregation Demonstration Programme

Six Source Segregation Demonstration programmes organized on 13th, 14th, 16th, 20th, 22nd and 29th of April at Laxmana Theertham (Ward -10), Ponthambuli (Ward -10), Murungaivadi (Ward – 9), Maravar Street (Ward – 6), Kamarajar Nagar (Ward– 14), Pon Nagar (Ward – 10). Around 27 beneficiaries got benefited through this programme.

Through this progaramme, our staffs and green friends give awareness to households in each ward on the types of waste, segregation of waste and the importance and benefits of recycling. A live demonstration on Source Segregation was organized for the public.

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