Archaeological Survey of Ramesvaram Island -1

Ramesvaram the holy of the holiest places of the Indian sub continent is having the vital key to understand the cultural directory of the ancient India. The tiny island holds many feature and customs practiced in all these thousands of years by the entire community irrespective of their caste and creed. For perceptive approach and to assimilate various facets of this culture it is essential to probe into the backdrop of the factors that molded this Island as the great bridge of spirituality in all these millenniums. In fact our journey will unearth not only the archaeological remains but the mannerism out of which our culture was warped.

The Matrix

The atomic theory of Science holds good for the philosophy of the origin of the universe. Indian logic also accepts that the world is made of same substance in different chemical combinations and distinguishes five basic rudimentary elements as base for all substances of different quality. Vedas indicate that life and substances were originated in water which the Geologists name as Glacier period.

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