Herbal Garden (Muligai Vanam)

R. Vengatachalam
Project Officer
C.P.R. Environmental Education Centre

Description and Habitat:
Habitat: It is found from Indo-Malaysia to Australia particularly in countries with tropical and subtropical climates. Distribution: In India it is distributed in Assam, Bihar, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. Habit:  Perennial, semi-shrubby herb. Stem: about 2 m high, much branched from base, sub quadrangular, thickened, densely lanate. Leaf: Simple, leaf Arrangement is Opposite-decussate; Shape is Oblanceolate, 3.6-16 x 1.3-7 cm, Serrate margin, long petioles 0.7-3.5 cm. Flower: Flowering throughout the year. In terminal and axillary spikes, purple colour 34.5 cm long. Fruit: A small nutlet, found throughout the year.
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